Risk Warnings & Disclaimer

By using our Services and Platform, you acknowledge and agree to our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Risk Disclaimer, Sustainable Finance and Investor Accreditation terms and statements. Your continued use of our Services and Platform after we revise these Terms means you accept any changes we make, please check back periodically this page for updates.

Risk Warnings

Investing in startups and early stage businesses involves risks, including illiquidity, lack of dividends, total loss of investment and dilution; and it should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio.This website, the "Kapital Platform", and its communications are intended for experienced investors, with sufficient experience and knowledge to understand the processes and risks involved. If you feel that you are not in a position to assess your expertise, please refrain from proceeding.The list of risks below aims to cover the main risks associated to private market investments, by are by no mean exhaustive. Furthermore, the information container on this website, the "Kapital Platform", should not be considered by potential investors as an alternative for the exercise of their own judgement, a careful analysis is necessary, and it is recommended to potential investors, before making any investment decision, to always consult a qualified professional advisor to obtain appropriate advice, in particular financial, legal, accounting or tax.

Loss of Capital

A capital loss is the loss incurred when an asset you've invested into loses its partial or total value. Investing in early stage private companies usually have a higher risk than traditional asset sectors. Some investments may fail, which may result in a total loss of the capital invested. You should not invest more capital through this website (the "Kapital Platform") that you can afford to lose without altering your standard of living. In no case shall KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl, HackGoup SA or its subsidiaries and partners be responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, in any way whatsoever, including damages related to investment.

Lack of Liquidity

An investment in a privately held company, alternative investment funds or structured products made via this platform (the "Kapital Platform") may be highly illiquid. Investments will likely not be listed on a recognised market and a secondary market for such shares or assets may never develop. You must be fully aware that you are unlikely to be able to sell your shares, unless the company you invested into goes public in an initial public offering ("IPO"), is bought by another company, or is listed in a secondary private market transaction. Even for successful investments, liquidity is unlikely to occur for a number of years from the time you made your first investment. Investors on this platform (the "Kapital Platform") should be prepared to hold their interest for the full term of their investments.

Risk of Dilution

The investments you make via this website (the "Kapital Platform") may be subject to dilution. Dilution may occur when a company raises additional capital and issue new shares, and the existing shareholders do not purchase any of the newly issued shares. Additionally, these new shares may have preferential rights to liquidation, dividends and other matters, which may be at the disadvantage of the prior investors. Investments may also be subject to dilution as a result of granting options to employees, advisors, partners or other third party connected to the company.

Rarity of Dividends

Early-stage and growth-stage companies, if successful, may only pay dividends after a number of years. Profits from early-stage and growth-stage companies are typically re-invested into the business to continuously fuel growth and contribute in increase of shareholder value. This means your investments on this platform are unlikely to see returns of capital or profit prior to an exit taking place. An exit in a privately held company (early-stage or growth-stage) is when a company goes public in an initial public offering ("IPO"), is bought by another company, or is listed in a secondary private market transaction.

Importance of Diversification

Investing in privately held company should only be done as part of a diversified portfolio strategy. This means that investors should invest relatively small amounts in multiple businesses rather than a large amount into one or two companies. It also means that you should invest only a portion of your capital into privately held companies alongside other asset class, such as public stocks, ETFs, pension funds, bonds which are more liquid or safe assets.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results

Investors should not assume an investment will continue to do well in the future simply because it's done well in the past, as past performance are not a reliable indicator of future performance. You should not rely on past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance.


Forecasts and graphs should always be considered as "forward looking statements". Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results, the actual performance of an investment may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward looking statements and no reliance should be placed by an investor on any forward looking statement. In this respect, no responsibility is accepted by KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl, its related entities and partners.

General Disclaimer

In no case shall KAPITA Luxembourg Sàrl, its related entities and partners be responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, in any way whatsoever, including damages related to investment. KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl, its related entities and partners provide business consulting and intermediary services between asset managers and underlying target assets. HackCapital S.à.r.l and acts as a Luxembourg-based issuer under the Securitisation Act 2004& the Fiduciary Act 2003. Please note that the investment schemes mentioned are not subject to the supervision of the CSSF, European Regulators or the FINMA (the "Regulators"), may not be distributed to non-qualified investors, and that investors, therefore do not benefit from the protection offered to retail investors. This is not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities in any jurisdiction where KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl, its related entities & partners are not registered.The information container on this website, the "Kapital Platform", should not be considered by potential investors as an alternative for the exercise of their own judgement, a careful analysis is necessary, and it is recommended to potential investors, before making any investment decision, to always consult a qualified professional advisor to obtain appropriate advice, in particular financial, legal, accounting or tax.

Acknowledgement & Agreement to the Terms

By using our Services, on this website (the "Kapital Platform") or via other means of communications with our team, you acknowledge and agree to our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Sustainable Finance Disclosure and Risk Warnings & Disclaimer. Your continued use of our Services, on this website (the "Kapital Platform") or via other means of communications with our team, after we revise these Terms means you accept any changes we make. Please, check back periodically this page for updates.

No breach of any laws

By using our Services, on this website (the "Kapital Platform") or via other means of communications with our team, you commit to ensuring that no breach of any laws, regulations, code of practice or guidelines applicable to them, occurs in connection with your investment activities. Prior to any investment sought independent legal, tax or regulatory advice in relation to those jurisdictions it considers appropriate, as our Services do not include legal, tax or regulatory advice. In this regards and to the extent permitted by law, KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl, its related entities and partners cannot be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever.

For more information, contact us at camille.bossel@kapital.inc