Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (2019/2088) (the "Disclosure Regulation")

KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl (the Operator of the KAPITAL Platform) makes the following disclosures in accordance with Articles 3(1), 4(1)(a) and 5(1) of the Disclosure Regulation.

Sustainability risk policies

A sustainability risk means "an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of the investment".

Before any investment decisions are made or any investment opportunities are listed on this website (The "KAPITAL Platform"), the relevant investment advisory team will complete a process that identifies the material risks associated with each proposed investment; these will include relevant and material sustainability risks. The relevant investment advisory team considers these risks as part of its risk management process for the funds it manages or the investment opportunities it lists on this website (The "KAPITAL Platform"), starting with an overall assessment of the likely risks associated with investments pursuant to the relevant fund's investment policy and objectives and leading to specific investment proposals submitted to the investment committee.The investment committee assesses all the identified risks, including sustainability risks alongside other relevant factors set out in the proposal. Following its assessment, the investment committee makes investment decisions having regard to the relevant fund's investment policy and objectives. Throughout the entire process, relevant sustainability risks are identified and assessed using the same process as is applied to other relevant risks affecting the funds and investments made on their behalf.

Remuneration policy

The remuneration policies of KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl and its related entities and partners are structured so that there are no incentives to favour the employees' or the company’s own interest to the detriment of the customers and users of this website (the "KAPITAL Platform"). A combination of fixed remuneration (salary and benefits) and variable remuneration (including bonus) is paid to the employee of KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl. These risk indicators can be quantitative or qualitative, and reflect the relevant environmental, social and governance aspects. These risk indicators are set so that the structure of remuneration does not encourage excessive risk taking with respect to direct or indirect sustainability risks.

Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement

Due diligence policies with respect to the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions: As part of its portfolio management practices and diligence process applicable, the Investment Committee of HackCapital S.à.r.l considers the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors in the manner prescribed by Article 4 of the Disclosure Regulation. The Investment Committee does this principally through the review of pre-acquisition due diligence material provided by the relevant investment advisory team of KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl and ongoing monitoring in respect of such identified impacts. This statement takes due account of HackCapital S.à.r.l. size, its activities and the types of financial products it makes available.Policies on the identification and prioritisation of principal adverse sustainability impacts and indicators: During the screening and due diligence phases of each proposed investment, the consideration of sustainability impacts forms an integral part of the investment decision making process and will be continuously evaluated throughout on an on-going basis.Principal adverse sustainability impacts: Given the nature of the investments scheme provided on this website (the "KAPITAL Platform"), the principal adverse sustainability impacts of its investment decisions will typically vary depending on the sector and industry of the contemplated target company. However, the Investment Committee will typically consider the following factors in its investment process: greenhouse gas emissions, share of non-renewable energy consumption and production, and board diversity.

The relevant investment advisory team strives to take a number of actions to seek to address these adverse impacts, for example:

  • Considering adverse impacts and red flags for potential investments at origination stage.
  • Identifying and, where relevant, quantifying material adverse impacts during the due diligence process.
  • Where material adverse impacts have been identified with a proposed investment, relevant information and commentary is provided to the relevant investment committee.
  • Actively engaging with underlying companies and funds, and connecting them with relevant experts as part of the HackVentures Sàrl network on sustainability matters through the lifecycle of the investment.
  • Regular reporting to the relevant investors on material sustainability impacts.

Adherence to business conduct codes and internationally recognised standards:

KAPITAL is a registered trademakr of the HackGroup SA, with offices in Switzerland and Luxembourg. The HackGroup SA and its subsidiaries holds a strong commitment to responsible investment and ownership principles. Our teams strives to continuously maintains and aligns its responsible investment and ownership approach with various international conventions, standards and guidelines such as, but not limited to, the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UNDP powered SDG Impact and TCFD (Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures). Additionally, the HackGroup SA and its associated initiative aims to align its operations with the Paris Agreement where applicable.

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